New rules for waste disposal report to the State Council’s new industry of 100 billion

【Abstract】 It is reported that at present, the annual domestic urban garbage production is about 300 million tons. According to 100 yuan per ton processing cost, the processing and operating market will reach 30 billion yuan, plus engineering investment, technology investment, etc. because of urban life. Rubbish treatment will drive hundreds of billions of dollars in the market.

Up to 300 million tons of municipal solid waste each year will open up hundreds of billions of new industrial opportunities.

The reporter was informed that the “Opinions on Promoting Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Work” (hereinafter referred to as “opinion”) jointly formulated by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and other 15 ministries have been submitted to the State Council for approval and will be issued in early 2011.

Liu Jingjing, chief engineer of the Environmental Health Technology Research Center of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, said at the China Solid Waste Forum recently that China's urban domestic waste disposal has already bid farewell to the technical dispute and entered the market opening stage in 2011.

It is reported that at present, the annual domestic urban garbage production is about 300 million tons. Calculated at 100 yuan per ton treatment cost, the processing and operating market will reach 30 billion yuan, plus engineering investment, technology investment, etc., because of municipal solid waste disposal, It will drive hundreds of billions of dollars in the market.


On the one hand, it is "garbage siege" and on the other hand, it is difficult to build a treatment plant.

“The State Council attaches great importance to this work and may also open a special meeting to advance this matter.” A person in charge of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development recently disclosed at the annual work conference of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development that “Opinions” jointly formulated by 15 ministries and commissions including the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development have been reported. The State Council, after approval by the State Council, will issue it.

In the "Opinions", the specific objectives of future urban garbage disposal work targets, guidelines, etc. are proposed. Integrate municipal solid waste disposal into urban management.

Cai Jiansheng, director of Beijing Da Yue Consultancy Co., Ltd., said that after the “advice” is issued, it will be very effective in promoting the treatment of municipal solid waste, and the disposal of municipal solid waste will gradually become an important part of the assessment of local urban management.

It is reported that this "opinion" was formulated under the direct arrangement of the State Council. In 2010, reports of “garbage siege” were frequently reported. The relevant leaders of the State Council attach great importance to this and arrange the departments of the Ministry of Housing and Construction to conduct research.

In May 2010, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development conducted special research on the disposal of municipal solid waste.

A person in charge of the Housing and Construction Bureau in Anyang City, Henan Province, said that the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development first issued a survey form to the construction authorities of various regions. The contents to be reported include the waste disposal technology, operation management methods, and some key cases.

Subsequently, the Ministry of Housing and Construction and other ministries and commissions also formed a special research group and conducted surveys on various cities across the country.

In an interview with this reporter, Sangde Environmental Group Chairman Wen Yibo said that domestic urban waste disposal is a big market, and many investment funds and operating companies have been “snapping around” for several years.

After the introduction of the "Opinions", although the requirements for the local government's waste collection rate and treatment rate have been put forward, the garbage disposal projects in most cities have already been market-oriented and transferred to market companies for operation.

One issue that the research team is concerned about is that the operating costs of waste disposal projects in various cities are funded by government fiscal funds. With the process of urbanization and the expansion of urban scale, can the capital chain of city finances continue to pay for waste disposal fees continue?

In addition, residents have encountered problems with the construction of waste treatment plants in many places. In which areas residents have heard that garbage treatment plants will be constructed in the surrounding areas, they will conduct petitions, protests, and other actions.

"In 2010, many garbage disposal projects could not be constructed after the signing of the contract, because the relationship between the government and surrounding residents could not be coordinated." Cai Jiansheng said that this highlights the predicament of urban waste management. On the one hand, it is the “garbage siege” and on the other hand, the treatment plant is difficult to build.

In addition to proposing the issue of local government's promotion of municipal solid waste disposal, the “Opinions” will also regulate the planning, construction, and operation of waste treatment plants, and promote the construction of relevant laws to solve the disputes of interest through legal systems.

The person in charge of the above-mentioned Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development stated that by the end of 2010, “opinions” had entered the signing stage of several ministries and commissions, and that the 15 ministries and commissions had a consistent understanding of the “Opinions” and had already reported to the State Council to issue them as soon as possible.

Who will pay the bill?

At present, all local waste disposal fees are paid by the government. However, many local cities have already expressed their financial inability to continue.

The reporter learned that when several ministries and committees formulated "opinions," they diverged at one point because of the technical route. The Ministry of Housing and Construction and other ministries had opposed the promotion of waste incineration technology. Subsequently, in a Beijing waste treatment plant incident, the relevant departments organized many hearing representatives to go to Japan to inspect the waste incineration technology, and ultimately let the hearing representatives lay down their concerns.

Later, in the formulation of "opinions," the dispute over the technical route for waste disposal has subsided. Many ministries and commissions have unanimously agreed on the coexistence of multiple technology routes for waste disposal.

Wen Yibo stated that after the "Opinions" are issued, they hope that the disposal of municipal solid waste will enter a new situation. Many ministries and commissions should not focus on details such as technology, but should raise the standards of requirements, and strengthen supervision and control from the terminal.

In addition to this, another issue that is of concern to the industry is who will pay for the disposal of urban waste after it has been implemented on a large scale.

Cai Jiansheng said that the current collection of urban waste disposal fees is very low, and the commissioned property, health and other different departments to collect, it is not standardized. The scale of funds collected in most cities is difficult to cover even the cost of transportation and cleaning of garbage.

Waste disposal costs are divided into three parts: cleaning costs, transportation costs and disposal costs.

At present, almost all garbage disposal projects adopt the "arrival processing fee" algorithm. In other words, the waste treatment plant does not bear the cost of waste collection and transportation. This part costs about 30-50 yuan per ton.

Cai Jiansheng said that with the advancement of technology and fierce market competition, the processing costs of waste treatment plants have been decreasing. In 2008, the waste disposal fee per ton of new garbage treatment plants was still around 100-200 yuan/ton, which has now been reduced to 60-80 yuan/ton.

In 2010, a waste plant in Dalian was tendered and the investor reported a processing price of 51 yuan/ton.

Wen Yibo said that there are technological advances in the reduction of waste disposal costs, but there are also vicious competition factors. The average cost of waste disposal in foreign countries is 100-200 U.S. dollars per ton, and China's waste disposal costs should be maintained at 100. Tons or so, this can guarantee the provision of better treatment technology, and the corresponding investment in the secondary pollution control of the environment can also be made.

Calculated only at a processing fee of RMB 100 per ton, the annual national garbage disposal fee is about RMB 30 billion/ton. In fact, the national urban household waste disposal rate is less than 70%, and the new project processing costs are relatively low. As for other issues, the actual annual waste disposal fee is only about 10 billion yuan.

At present, all local waste disposal fees are paid by the government. However, many local cities have already expressed their financial inability to continue. Many waste disposal plants in cities have also experienced problems such as suspension of production and unsatisfactory treatment of environmental pollution because of inadequate fiscal payment or insufficient funds.

After the “Opinions” are issued, the urban garbage disposal rate will become one of the indicators for the assessment of city management. For this reason, it will be one of the focal points for who will pay for the ever-expanding urban waste treatment fees in the short term.

If a new garbage disposal fee is introduced in the city, residents will be responsible for the garbage disposal fee. However, there are problems such as collection and billing, and most residents think that there is no reason to pay a new waste disposal fee. Moreover, the amount of garbage generated by each household is different. How to charge is also a problem.

Wen Yibo stated that it is better to adopt the central and local finances to jointly pay for municipal solid waste disposal fees. The central government can support the payment of some urban waste disposal fees in economically underdeveloped cities in the central and western regions, while the eastern city finance can pay its own waste disposal fees.

Taking Beijing as an example, 3 million tons of garbage every year, according to 100 yuan / ton, only 300 million yuan per year waste disposal fees. Waste treatment plants can be solved through market-based financing such as BOT, and operating expenses are paid by the government in the form of waste disposal fees. Beijing's fiscal revenue in 2010 exceeded 230 billion yuan, and the annual expenditure on subsidizing public transport alone is above 10 billion yuan. For solving the major problems of urban diseases, the waste disposal problem is 300 million yuan a year, which does not pose pressure on the government finances.

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