Xiamen LED chip production nation's first LED lighting industry reached 100 billion in 2020

According to reports, if the Xiamen optoelectronic industry is a crown, the pearl above is the LED lighting industry. The reporter learned from the 2016 Haixi LED Industry Innovation Forum held in Xiamen yesterday morning that Xiamen LED chip and bulb production ranked first in the country. By 2020, LED lighting will reach 100 billion industry scale. According to reports, if the Xiamen optoelectronic industry is a crown, the pearl above is the LED lighting industry. The reporter learned from the 2016 Haixi LED Industry Innovation Forum held in Xiamen yesterday morning that Xiamen LED chip and bulb production ranked first in the country. By 2020, LED lighting will reach 100 billion industry scale. At the forum, guests attended the LED industry development status and innovation trends, lighting and lighting system industry technology innovation, lighting and lighting transformation and upgrading technology and market innovation, smart lighting new technology, innovative applications, new business models for LED lighting promotion and other issues. In-depth discussion. The Haixi LED Industry Innovation Forum has spurred the national 13th Five-Year LED development. The Deputy Secretary-General of the National Semiconductor Lighting Industry Alliance, the military executive, revealed that it is estimated that by 2020, the scale of China's LED lighting industry will reach 1 trillion yuan. According to reports, in 2015, Xiamen LED lighting industry chain has formed an industrial scale of 70 billion yuan, the total output of LED epitaxial chips accounted for more than 60% of the total domestic production, LED bulbs accounted for about 30% of the country's total exports, both They have ranked first in the country for many consecutive years. In addition, at the 2016 Haixi Optoelectronics Project Capital Fusion Matchmaking Conference held yesterday afternoon, Haixi Optoelectronic Industry Finance Supermarket, the first financial supermarket in China, was established, which will explore a new model of Haixi Optoelectronics + Financial Cooperation.

Construction Hoist Safety Device

Safety is one of the most important for Construction Hoist, thus the Construction Hoist Safety Device is required. SAJ safety device is a product of BQ. When a cage over-speeds the device should act cut off the power stop the cage on mast gradually. The safety device is adjusted and sealed. Do not disassemble it. The using time limit of safety device are signed on it`s nameplate. Safety device must be delivered to the factory and inspected after it reached to time limit.

Safety device board is the connected part between safety device and other structures, it can take the impact of stopping the cage. There are installed lower speed switch, upper travel limit switch and final limit switch, once the switchs touch the relevant cam the cage will act.

We also supply other spare parts for construction hoist, such as construction hoist Mast Section, Construction Hoist Anchorage Frame, Passenger Hoist Cage, Construction Hoist Overload Protector, Sliding Contact Line, Construction Hoist Motor, Construction Hoist Reducer and so on.

SAJ Safety Device,Passenger Hoist Safety Device,Construction Hoist Overload Protector,Overload Limiter,Anti-fall Device

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